Clinical Indication

  • suspected stroke patient


  • Assess and treat suspected stroke patient as per protocol.
  • Use FAST assessment to evaluate three major physical findings to identify a stoke patient who requires rapid transport to the hospital.
  • If possible, prehospital care providers should establish the time of onset of stroke signs and symptoms.

Stroke Test

  1. Facial droop - Have patient show their teeth or smile.
    • Normal - Both sides of face move equally
    • Abnormal - One side of face does not move well as the other
  2. Arm drift - Have patient close their eyes and hold both arms straight out with palms upwar.
    • Normal - Both arms move in the same direction or do not move at all (pronator grip may be helpful)
    • Abnormal - One arm does not move or one arm drifts down compared to the other.
  3. Speech - Have patient say, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks."
    • Normal - The patient uses correct words with no slurring.
    • Abnormal - The patient uses incorrect words, slurs their words, or is unable to speak.
  4. Time - Identify onset of symptioms or last know normal.